Collection: Hit or Miss 3D Challenge

Introducing the first annual Hit or Miss 3D Challenge!  

The challenge will consist of two indoor 3D rounds with 20 targets being shot at each round.  One arrow per target, ASA scoring.  After all rounds are shot, the top 5 in each class will compete in a shoot-off that will be held at noon on Sunday, April 6th.  

There will also be a Team Shoot that will take place Sunday at 11:00 a.m.  Teams, will be comprised of 3 people each whose individual scores from your two qualifying rounds will make up a team total.  That total will then determine which teams make it to the team shoot-off.

When:  Saturday, April 5th & Sunday, April 6th

Where:  Hit or Miss Archery Center

Must have 5 people per class to be eligible for awards.